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By Bricksnwall | 2024-04-22
Positive Growth Trajectory Prediction for India's Real Estate Sector in 2024

A multitude of variables, including the status of the economy, governmental restrictions, and international trends, make it impossible to anticipate the real estate industry's growth in India in 2024. Nonetheless, a number of factors indicate to potential improvements in growth. 1. Urbanization: With India's growing population, there is a greater demand for residential and commercial real estate. 2. Infrastructure Development: Government programs that encourage real estate development include the Smart Cities Mission and infrastructure projects. 3. Foreign Investment: Increased foreign investment i...

By Bricksnwall | 2024-04-19
Top 5 Malls to Explore in Ghaziabad

Ghaziabad is a lively residential and commercial real estate hub, with around 27,000 active businesses contributing to the economy. Furthermore, the Ghaziabad Development Authority (GDA), which is in charge of Ghaziabad's development, has identified 11 million square meters of unoccupied land for development, including commercial real estate. In this Blog, we'll talk about five of the top malls in Ghaziabad and how they're transforming commercial real estate.  1)Shipra Mall Inspired by Roman architecture, provides a unique shopping and entertainment experience for families, making it a top choice in...

By Bricksnwall | 2024-04-17
Factors that influence fair market value of property | What is the fair market value?

Fair market value is the amount that a seller is ready to pay for an object at a given time based on its worth. The Indian Accounting Standard (AS) 113[1] defines fair market value as the amount that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants on the measurement date. Fair market value refers to: The sale of an asset The transfer of liabilities This is not a forced or distressed sale. It is clearly market-based, not entity-based. It is reached at when the sale or transfer occurs. Factors that Influence the Fair Market Value of ...

By Bricksnwall | 2024-04-14
Tips for Removing Vastu Dosh from the Home and Office

Vastu, the ancient Indian discipline of building, is thought to influence energy movement in homes and offices. When there is an imbalance between natural energy and occupants, Vastu dosh occurs, which causes a variety of problems. This guide investigates the causes of Vastu dosh and offers practical advice on how to eradicate it from both your home and workplace.Understanding Vastu Dosh:Vastu dosh is caused by certain defects or flaws in a property's structure or design, which disrupts the equilibrium between nature and its occupants. Some common examples are restrooms in the northeastern corner, incorrect entrance placemen...

By Bricksnwall | 2024-04-10
What is Khaka why is it important in land revenue system

खाका एक ऐसा शब्द है, जिसका इस्तेमाल आपने भूमि रिकॉर्ड के बारे में बात करते समय सुना ज़रूर होगा। जबकि मोर्डर्न रिकॉर्ड कीपिंग के संसाधनो का आविष्कार भी नहीं हुआ था उसके पहले से ही खाके का इस्तेमाल संपत्ति के रिकॉर्ड बनाए रखने के लिए के रूप में किया...

By Bricksnwall | 2024-04-08
Best Window Grill Design Ideas in 2024

Window grills are necessary for both function and aesthetics in your home. By carefully choosing the perfect design, you may improve the entire appearance of your house while also ensuring its safety and security. Whether you want a contemporary or traditional look, there are numerous window grill designs to choose from.  Classic window grill designsTraditional window grill designs are ideal for those who value the timeless allure of classic aesthetics. Classic window grills, with their exquisite simplicity and timeless appeal, can complement your home's architectural style. These designs frequently use clean lin...

By Bricksnwall | 2024-04-06
Best Property Selling Sites in India 2024

The growth of online platforms has made searching for real estate listings easier and more comfortable in the digital age. These real estate property websites provide a wide range of listings, allowing buyers and investors to compare possibilities from the comfort of their own homes. However, with so many websites available, it's critical to find the most trusted and trustworthy platforms. In this blog, we will show the best trustworthy real estate property sites in India for 2024, known for their user-friendly interfaces, extensive listings, and dedication to giving accurate and transparent information. MagicBricks...

By Bricksnwall | 2024-04-03
Expert Tips For Buyers And Sellers Entering The Real Estate Market

Being a buyer or seller in the real estate market can be a thrilling and challenging experience. It's critical to be aware and ready, whether your goal is to buy your ideal house or get the best price while selling yours. We've put together a few expert tips to help you get through the steps and make sure the transaction goes well.   Expert Advice For Buyers In The Real Estate Market Recognize your budget: Before beginning your property hunt, assess your financial status and create an exact budget. Take into account not just the cost of buying of the property but also other expenses like upkeep, insurance...

By Bricksnwall | 2024-03-31
Advantages and Disadvantages of Buying Agricultural Land

शहरी निवेशक कृषि भूमि में निवेश कर रहे हैं, क्योंकि शहर के रियल एस्टेट सेक्टर में गिरावट आई है और लंबी अवधि के रिटर्न के वादों में वृद्धि हुई है। हम आज इन्वेस्टमेंट करने के लिए सोच रहे लोगों को फायदे और नुकसान बता रहे हैं।कृषि भूमि खरीदन...

By Bricksnwall | 2024-03-28
Benefits of Living in a Luxury Apartment With a Gym

In today's environment, as new virus varieties evolve, a healthy lifestyle choice is required. People are becoming increasingly health-conscious, as seen by a variety of indicators. Whether it's eating sensibly, exercising, doing yoga, and so on. Going to the gym is becoming more popular as people realise the importance of being fit and healthy. Many apartments now include gyms, which has made life easier for many residents because they no longer have to travel vast distances to access the facility. Clean and well-maintained equipment allows inhabitants to exercise, promoting a healthy lifestyle.  The emergence o...

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